Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Week of Preparation

Friday is fast approaching. These last few weeks have been so busy that I've let my purchasing standards fly under the moral radar. I've had my ethical food purchasing routine down pat for a while now, but this is the first Christmas during that routine. I did give in to the traditional cookies and fudge recipes of my family. There was lots of eating out. I'm looking forward to practicing my sustainable food purchasing once again.
With this upcoming project, I had to reflect on how Christmas disrupted my sustainable eating and fair trade ideals. Why did all my gifts have to come from chain stores (both the ones I gave and received)? Why did I submit to the mentality that the holiday season means forgetting about the food choices that mean so much to me? The holidays seem to allow this thinking in many people. You have this special time with your family which should foster all of your good intentions, yet the season pulls you away. Perhaps the American Christmas of commercialism and chronic buying is still the biggest quality. I don't know the answer for sure. I know that I was more intuned to ethics this Christmas than any other one. Next year I would like to focus a little less on other people's gifts and outfits at family gatherings, and a little more on the spirit of the holiday.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas, didn't give into commercialism too much, and remembered what is truly important.

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